Church of the Presentation


A welcoming Catholic community leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ through Word, Worship, and Outreach.

271 W. Saddle River Rd. • Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 • ph: 201-327-1313



Wedding Ceremony

End shortcode

Women’s Cornerstone

Daily Rosary | Divine Mercy Chaplet | Eucharistic Adoration | Stations of the Cross

Men’s Cornerstone

Parish Picnic

Bereavement Ministry

Parish Picnic

Parish Picnic

Red Sample

Parish Picnic

Ed. Ginter
Spring Concert | Christmas Concert | Presentation MTV |
Piano Men

Parish Picnic

Year 1 Confirmation Registration for Incoming Freshmen

Dear Parents of 9th Graders and Incoming Candidates joining Confirmation Preparation, 

We are excited to welcome your child to our FRESHMAN program in the Fall of 2020 – YEAR ONE of Confirmation Preparation!  Our engaging and impactful High School Youth Ministry Program is integrated with our Confirmation Preparation Program. 

Confirmation is a parish Sacrament.  Therefore, even if your child goes to Catholic school or will be going to Catholic High School, preparation happens in the parish.  As you may be aware, our Confirmation program follows and builds on our Junior High program.  Following Archdiocesan guidelines, Confirmation Preparation is a two-year Sacramental Preparation Process.  Candidates should have a fundamental knowledge of our Catholic Christian teachings, and they should have completed their faith formation in a religious education program at a parish or in parochial school through 8th grade.  Additionally, candidates should demonstrate and express a personal interest in the Sacrament, be attending mass regularly, and be actively involved in the life of our Church Community. 

Freshmen/ First Year Candidate requirements: 

  1. Complete the online registration form by clicking on this link or copying and pasting it into your web-browser: 
     *There is no cost for registration but please note: registration for Year One closes on SEPTEMBER 10th, 2020. 

2. Participate in six (6) Sunday Youth Ministry Gatherings.  Until we are able to resume meeting in person these Gatherings will be offered virtually using the Zoom platform.   

*Due to our response to COVID-19 and exercise of social distancing practices the retreat requirement for Freshmen has been lifted for the 2020-2021 Catechetical year. 

Our First Sunday Youth Ministry Gathering will be on Sunday, Sept 13th at 7:30pmThat same night, we will have a separate Orientation for Parents at 7:30pm on Zoom as well.  The Orientation will be informative and will give us a chance to talk about how we can support you as parents of teenagers.  There is no registration for Sunday Community Gatherings.  We also ask candidates not to bring cell phones with them to any in-person sessions or programming.   

Email will be our main form of correspondence.  If you notice that you are not receiving emails from our office throughout the year, please email or call us.  Events will also be updated on our website, and reminders will be posted on our Youth Ministry Facebook page as well. 

Please join us on Sept. 13th to discuss our programs as well as ways we can support YOU.  Additionally, even if your child does not intend to prepare for Confirmation at this time, know that all High School Students are welcome at our Youth Ministry events! As always, it is wonderful to be ministering with you in the faith development of your child.  We consider it a blessing to be able to serve you and your family!   If there is anything else we can do to assist you in the spiritual growth of your family, please let us know.  Sincerely, 

Craig Johnson, Pastoral Assoc. for Youth & Young Adults

Maureen Murphy, Administrative Asst. for Jr. High & Youth Ministry

 (Click HERE to download a copy of this letter).                                                         


Opportunities for Adult Faith Formation | Fall 2024

We have many opportunities for you to connect with others, to grow in your faith, and to learn more about our church and her teachings. Please join us when you can! We would love to see you!

Viewing tip: Click on >> on the top right of the brochure, & then select “Presentation Mode.”

Music Ministry News: New Voices are Welcome to Join Us!

We’re looking for all voice parts: Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Bass

All of our rehearsals are in the Bethlehem Room.

~Adult Choir rehearsals are on Tuesdays at 7:30pm beginning September 10. We generally sing at the 11:30 Mass on Sunday mornings (beginning Sept. 22), a 3-hour total weekly commitment. Music is distributed electronically, tablets recommended.

~Children’s Choir (grades 3-8) begins on Tuesday, September 24, followed by October 1 at 4:30pm.  The children generally rehearse twice a month, and sing at the 10:00am Family Liturgy (usually on the first Sunday of each month).

~Sunday Evening Contemporary Ensemble rehearses at 5:30pm each Sunday for that evening’s 6:30pm Mass. Anyone who would like to sing is welcome to join us beginning Sunday, Sept. 22.

Feel free to contact Lisa Dempsey at with any questions.

Bible Study of the Book of Genesis | Begins Sept. 19

This study is an invitation not only to contemplate the creation story, but to remember with the Israelites their ancestors in faith.

The meeting on September 12 will be a “no obligation” orientation and series overview.  The weekly program, from 7:30-9pm in Meeting Room 1, will run on Thursday evenings from September 19 through November 21. Cost of the program is $25 per person, which includes all materials.  For more info and to register, contact Fran Madsen at or (845) 357-6132. New members are always welcome.  Come and join us!

Blessing of the Animals | Oct. 4 at 4pm

Join us as we celebrate the Feast of St. Francis with a blessing of the animals. We will gather at the front entrance of the church. This will be in a group setting, so please bring only friendly pets that deal well with crowds and unfamiliar animals. Stuffed animals are also welcome!

All Souls’ Liturgy | Nov. 4 at 7:30pm – RSVPs due Oct. 25

Our All Souls’ Liturgy is a special Mass on Monday, November 4 at 7:30pm, offered in memory of those who have died since last year’s All Souls’ Day. If you are planning to attend and would like the name of a family member who died since last November 2 read at the Mass, RSVP to 201-327-1313 ext. 874 by Oct. 25. When leaving a message, please say and spell the name of the deceased slowly and clearly and how many people will be attending with you. Please arrive at 7:15pm & bring a framed photo, no larger than 5×7, of your loved one to place in the memorial area on the altar before Mass begins. This mass will also be streamed at

Church of the Presentation

Online Mass /
Mass Schedule

Sunday Mass

Saturday 5pm (also live-streamed)
Sunday 7:30am, 8:30am, 10:00am, 11:30am & 6:30pm

Daily Mass (click here to view)

Mon. – Sat. 9:00am (also live-streamed


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