
What is Alpha?

Alpha is a series that is oriented toward connection and conversation. It is a space in which you can simply show up to receive, to ask questions, and to wrestle with faith on whatever level you feel comfortable. 

What does Alpha consist of?




We begin every session with a light meal during which you can talk to others in your group or outside of your group. It allows time and space for organic conversation.  

Then we listen to an Alpha Talk, which breaks open a question about life and the Christian faith. During this time, you are encouraged to listen and pay attention to things that strike you or cause questions to arise. 

The largest chunk of the session is small group time. You will be grouped with other people around the same general age, and you will have a facilitator to lead the conversation. It will be a time to discuss the video and to share any other questions, thoughts, and insights that may arise.


Q: How does an Alpha Session work? 

A: An Alpha session lasts for 2 hours. You come for a meal, watch a short video, and share your thoughts on the talk with your small group who you will meet at the first session. You are encouraged to ask questions and discuss openly, there are no right or wrong answers here.  

Q: How long is an Alpha Course? 

A: Alpha will be 11 weeks long beginning on Monday, September 16, with 1 retreat day on Saturday, November 2, 2024. 

Q: How much does Alpha cost? 

A: Alpha is free! 

Q: I am coming and do not know anyone. Is that normal? 

A: Totally! Many people come and do not know others, but many also bond with the people in their group and form connections going forward. 

Q: What if I am not Catholic? 

A: That is okay! This program is for any person of any faith tradition or even of no faith tradition. It is simply a space to ask questions and engage in conversation.  

Q: Do I have to talk and share my thoughts with my group? 

A: No, you are welcome to share as much or as little as you wish! 

Q: What if I missed a session? 

A: That is okay, we understand things come up! However, we ask that for the most part you are able to attend the sessions so that you can be present to your group and also not miss some of the important content! 

Q: I have more questions. Who do I contact? 

A: Feel free to reach out with any questions! You can contact us at or ext. 815 or 844

Interested in supporting the Alpha ministry through prayer and/or hospitality?

Prayer Ministry: This ministry involves interceding for the Alpha program both in preparation for and during the program in the Fall. For more information on this ministry, please contact Marilou at

Hospitality Ministry: This ministry involves setting up for the Alpha sessions along with meal preparation. For more information on this ministry, please contact Maureen at