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A welcoming Catholic community leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ through Word, Worship, and Outreach.

271 W. Saddle River Rd. • Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 • ph: 201-327-1313

Caring Stitches

The mission of Caring Stitches, is to provide healing of body, soul, and spirit by providing hope and comfort in a very tactile way, which can be viewed as a symbolic “hug” from God, through a friend.

Through common interests of knitting, crocheting and quilting, we share our combined talents with varied parish ministries, within our faith community, and beyond, to local groups in need.

Our ministry meets, year round, on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month from 6:30-8:30 PM at the parish center, except for November and December which meet on the second Tuesday of the month only.

Beginners are always welcome. Yarn and patterns are available or you may utilize your own. Donations of yarn can be made at meetings or placed in the ministry container located opposite the kitchen area.

contact: Michele Baron 201-327-1313, ext 847