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A welcoming Catholic community leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ through Word, Worship, and Outreach.

271 W. Saddle River Rd. • Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 • ph: 201-327-1313

First Eucharist

Patty Dodwell, ext. 832 email:

“I am the bread of life. Your ancestors ate the manna in the desert, but they died; this is the bread that comes down from heaven so that one may eat it and not die.”  John 6:48-50

First Eucharist is a very important and holy day for Catholic children because they are receiving for the first time, the body and blood of Jesus Christ.  By continuing to receive Holy Communion for the rest of their lives, they become one with Christ and believe we will share in His eternal life.

Who’s eligible to enter our First Eucharist Preparation Program? 

Children who have been baptized AND have already completed one year of religious education or family faith (here or elsewhere). Most of the eligible children will be entering 2nd grade in September in preparation for celebrating First Eucharist in the following Spring. These families must also be registered parishioners & be enrolled in our Family Faith program. Contact Patty for the registration materials.

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The preparation and receiving of Eucharist is a very special time for the children of our parish and those on the First Eucharist Team who work with them. We look forward to journeying with you and your child. If you have a child who has been baptized AND he or she has already completed one year of religious education, you may register your child for First Eucharist preparation.

First Eucharist Preparation Journey:

  • Sunday Liturgy – Liturgy is the starting point for our sacramental preparation. We are drawn to a deeper understanding and celebration of Eucharist through the rich liturgical symbols and rituals of the Liturgy. Therefore, our families are expected to attend a weekly Sunday Liturgy.

  • Liturgy Dismissals–During select specified weekend masses, the children are dismissed during the Liturgy of the Word and they attend a teaching session in which we review their home book assignments and help deepen their understanding of the Sacraments of Reconciliation & First Eucharist.

  • Reconciliation Retreat – The children and parents participate in various activities in which the message of God’s forgiving love is woven. The stations include: The Ten Commandments; The Prodigal Son; and Reconciliation Rehearsal where the child is the Priest and Priest is the confessor.

  • First Eucharist Retreat – The children and parents participate in various activities in which they learn about and prepare to receive the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. The stations include: Liturgy/Church Tour & Etiquette, Photo & Song Activity; The Last Supper and Washing of the Feet Stations.

  • First Eucharist Rehearsal – The children participate in a run-through of their First Eucharist ceremony with the aim of making them comfortable with the events of the day and also to give them an opportunity to taste unconsecrated bread and wine.