Presentation Music Ministry
Natasha Gonzalez ext. 813
All rehearsals take place in the Bethlehem Room.
The choir does not rehearse in the summer. Rehearsals resume in September -the schedule will be posted in “Music Ministry News” on the home page in late August / early September.
THE ADULT CHOIR rehearses on Tuesday evenings at 7:30pm and we generally sing at the 11:30 Mass on Sunday mornings. Music is distributed electronically, tablets recommended. We welcome new members in all voice parts – sopranos, altos, tenors and basses.
THE CONTEMPORARY ENSEMBLE rehearses at 5:30pm each Sunday for that evening’s 6:30pm Mass. Come when you can. Anyone who would like to sing is welcome to join us.
THE CHILDREN’S CHOIR generally rehearses two afternoons a month at 4:30. The children sing at the 10:00 Family Liturgy (usually on the first Sunday of each month). We welcome children in grades 3 through 8.
THE RESURRECTION CHOIR invites any adult, who is available and enjoys singing, to meet on the morning of the funeral to offer comfort to the bereaved through the gifts of song and presence at the Funeral Mass. Members of the Resurrection Choir are contacted when a funeral is scheduled and they should arrive 15 minutes prior.