Church of the Presentation


A welcoming Catholic community leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ through Word, Worship, and Outreach.

271 W. Saddle River Rd. • Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 • ph: 201-327-1313

Our Clergy & Staff

Our Clergy

Fr. Bob Stagg

Fr. Bob Stagg


Fr. Richard Francesco

Fr. Richard Francesco

Parochial Vicar

Our Staff

Michele Baron

Michele Baron

Scheduling, Volunteer Ministries

Diane Carr

Diane Carr

RCIA Director

Melanie Cheplic

Melanie Cheplic

Asst. to the Pastor & Funeral Ministry

Liz Cosentino

Liz Cosentino

Bulletin & Parish Website

Kathy Costello

Kathy Costello

Family Faith Formation

Cesar da Gama

Cesar da Gama

Maintenance & Room Setups

Ext. 823

Patty Dodwell

Patty Dodwell

Family Faith Formation & First Eucharist

Natasha Gonzalez

Natasha Gonzalez

Director of Music

Craig Johnson

Craig Johnson

Youth Minister & Confirmation

Catzel LaVecchia

Catzel LaVecchia

Lifelong Learning, Jr. High, Adult Retreats

Kathleen Martorano

Kathleen Martorano

Communications, Parish Registration, Protecting God's Children, LGBTQ+ Ministry

Emma McAllen

Emma McAllen

Notre Dame Echo Apprentice

Nancy Mierswa

Nancy Mierswa

Worship, Weddings, Baptisms

Maureen Murphy

Maureen Murphy


Bob Rooney

Bob Rooney

Accounting, Finance, Plant Management

Marianne Strayton

Marianne Strayton

Youth Ministry Support

Marilou Tenazas

Marilou Tenazas

Livestreaming & Tech Support, Family Faith Formation