Question no. 9: What can we do in our homes to nurture and care for Creation?

There are many things that we can do in our homes that are signs of our caring for creation. A good first step is to talk with your family about their concerns for creation and decide upon things you can do to help heal the Earth. There are no efforts too small or too insignificant. You are probably already taking some action to help nurture and care for creation, like participating in your town’s recycling program and turning off lights, computers, and electronic appliances when not in use. But there are other things you may consider too.

Eco-Friendly Products – Using eco-friendly cleaning products in your home reduces your family’s exposure to toxic substances and lowers the amount of toxins entering the local water system.  Look for products that are biodegradable and do not contain solvents and phosphates. Learn more about the harm that conventional household cleaning products can do to the Earth and to your family’s health. See the following websites or do your own search on the internet:

Most supermarkets carry some eco-friendly or natural cleaning products. Be sure to read the labels for what the products contain. The best and most reliable products for not damaging the Earth or your health are produced by companies like: Seventh Generation, Earth Friendly, Sun and Earth, Mrs. Meyers, Gaiam, SimpleGreen, Method, and Ecover.

Reusuable Products – Manufacturing products such as paper towels, napkins, and paper and plastic bags requires natural resources, and their disposal adds to environmental waste and pollution. Use paper towels sparingly and replace them by using cloth towels to clean up around the kitchen. Use cloth napkins for family meals and try to limit the use of paper napkins. Whether paper or plastic, stop using disposable bags when shopping; use reusable bags instead.

Energy Review – Walk through your home to conduct your own energy “audit.” You can find suggestions at Adding insulation and sealing windows and doorways will keep your home warmers and save energy thereby reducing costs and carbon emissions. Use energy-efficient light bulbs and when purchasing appliances, choose energy-efficient ones. Change to a renewable energy supplier through PSE&G or O&R. It is easy, the cost is about the same and it makes a big difference for the environment.

Water Conservation – Clean, potable water is becoming increasingly scarce in the Unit3ed States and especially worldwide. There are ways that we can save water. Try taking shorter showers. Be sure to run the dishwasher only when it is full. And don’t water your lawn as often.

Heat Control – Turning down the heat just a few degrees not only conserves energy, it reduces carbon emissions and saves money. Similarly, you may consider washing clothes in cold water to save heat as well.

Explore and search the internet for many more ideas for how you and your family can care more for creation and help create a more sustainable environment for ourselves and future generations.  Here are some websites:

Questions for Discussion:

1. What are some of your own personal practices and suggestions you find most effective for caring for creation?

2. What other recommendations would you add to the list above?

3. Has the reading of this booklet helped you to become more aware of the religious and moral implications of caring for Mother Earth?