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A welcoming Catholic community leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ through Word, Worship, and Outreach.

271 W. Saddle River Rd. • Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 • ph: 201-327-1313

Stations of the Cross

On Monday evenings during Lent, we offer Stations of the Cross at 7:00pm. Each week, a different parish ministry hosts the Stations. 

On Good Friday after 9am Morning Prayer, Fr. Bob hosts Bicycle Stations of the Cross (weather permitting). There’s a 12-mile route, stopping at Guardian Angel, Villa Marie Clare, St. Gabe’s, Zion Lutheran, the Old Stone Church and the United Methodist Church. There is a shorter 8½ mile route that will let you bail out as the group loops back, if you want a smaller dose.  There are a couple of hills on the route. At each stop, there’s a reflection on several Stations of the Cross and the Liturgical architecture that the particular church emphasizes.

On Good Friday at 7:30pm, you can come and see our Youth Ministry in their “Living Stations of the Cross.”

We also have a trail and stairway through the woods behind the soccer field (leading up to the rectory) with outside stations of the cross you’re welcome to come and pray any time.

CLICK HERE for a series of reflections composed by Cardinal Tobin on the traditional 14 Stations of the Cross. His reflections are inspired by The Way of the Cross composed by St. Alphonsus Liguori, who founded the Cardinal’s religious community, the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (Redemptorists), and were composed during the coronavirus pandemic.